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Just as one needs a detailed plan and solid foundation to build a strong house, the same could be said for our jaw structure and supporting facial muscles for successful orthodontics (braces). Dr. Neema Dad and Dr. Alex Villasenor are trained to identify patients who will benefit from pediatric orthodontics and need pre-orthodontic appliances and exercises to prepare for their future. As a bonus, our in-house orthodontist, Dr. Glenn Cohen, is always available for collaboration and consultation.

First Things First: Pediatric Orthodontics

Looking at the big picture of health, the doctors will want to evaluate your child’s possible tongue/lip ties, tonsils and adenoids, lip closure, tongue thrusting, swallowing patterns and nasal vs. mouth breathing. Collaborating with other specialists to treat core issues, if needed, is imperative for successful pediatric orthodontics.

Next Steps: Functional Appliances in Orthodontics

From a very early age, teeth and jaws can become misaligned and crowded. Habits like mouth breathing or poor lip and tongue function can be major contributors to the problem. These habits are most effectively corrected in the growing years with a functional appliance supported by simple exercises. A soft “mouth guard-like” appliance worn for a limited time each day and while sleeping creates light forces to expand the upper jaw and guide the teeth to their natural position. A customized diagnosis with a plan for a functional appliance choice and accompanying exercises is presented. Follow-up appointments ensure a successful journey. When your child reaches the appropriate time for their orthodontic treatment, we will create a smooth transition to this final step.

Future Impact: Improve Overall Health

As adults, many of us have experienced sleep apnea or a return of crowded teeth after having had braces when younger. We have learned that treating the underlying causes of mouth breathing, snoring, tongue thrusting or incorrect swallowing patterns can not only stabilize the teeth and jaws long term but also improve quality of sleep and overall health.

At myKIDSdds, we are always learning, growing and challenging ourselves to look “outside the box” for cutting-edge solutions to health concerns we have for our patients. Pediatric orthodontics and functional appliances are just one way we offer alternatives to traditional thinking to give you, our clients, the very best knowledge and technology available.

Please call us with any questions as we are happy to be your resource for information.  214-696-3082

Healthy Smile, Healthy Child

At myKIDSdds, we know that we’re creating lifelong bonds with our patients. And in doing so, we assess and address the specific needs of every patient.  We custom fit a plan for each child. And through education and constant engagement, we begin to see a healthy dental plan affect all aspects of the child’s health. For more than three decades, we have placed an extra special emphasis on making sure we can assess and evaluate your child’s oral systemic health. Because when you walk out our doors, we want you to leave healthier and happier and thrilled that you are part of the myKIDSdds family.  

Voted Best In Dallas

We’re proud to be rated the #1 Dentist in Dallas since 2013! It’s an honor to know the Dallas community trusts us for quality dental and orthodontic care! Thank you!

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Dentistry for Kids – Orthodontics for All

Office Info

  • 8325 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 111 Dallas, TX 75231
  • New Patients: (469)315-9112
  • Pediatric Dentistry: (214) 696-3082
  • Orthodontics: (214) 696-3085

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