What are Dental X-rays and Why are They Important?
With so much controversy over X-rays, it is vital to understand the purpose and importance of dental X-rays. In most cases, the American Association of Pediatric Dentists recommends children have them yearly to evaluate the condition of the teeth and assess for caries. Providers can diagnose missing and/or extra permanent teeth upon taking a child’s very first set of X-rays, which commonly occurs around the age of three. Different types of dental X-rays are used to detect cancerous lesions in the jaw as well, making them beneficial in proactively caring for the overall health and wellness of your little one! To provide optimal care to patients, different types of dental X-rays are performed every one to three years. Early intervention to cavities gives dentists the opportunity to arrest carious lesions before they progress to decay.
Why yearly X-rays?: purpose and prevention
We are proud to partner with parents entrusting the care of their kiddos to our team of dental professionals twice a year for dental cleanings. One of the many ways we help warrant oral systemic health during these visits is by cleaning your child’s teeth, completing an oral exam and performing yearly X-rays. While our experienced dentists have a keen eye to visually spot problematic areas in the mouth, there are some places the human eye can not see. If only our doctors had X-ray vision like Superman! After all, Dr. Villasenor, Dr. Dad and Dr. Cohen are dental superheroes. Thanks to the help of digital technology, X-rays assist our superhero doctors in examining between the teeth, giving our team the ability to arrest your child’s caries and save the day, with minimal exposure to radiation!
X-rays and their purpose explained:
- Occlusal X-rays: Most likely, at age three, these will be the first X-rays taken. Amazingly, they show primary and adult dentition and can detect the presence of extra teeth or their absence!
- Bitewings: Probably the most common type of X-ray performed by your dental office, bitewings evaluate the crown and a small portion of the root on molars and premolars. Not only do bitewings help spot decay on the crown, they also expose decay present in between the teeth.
- Periapicals: PAs evaluate the condition of the entire tooth and root as well as detect abscess or infected areas in the gums.
- Panoramic: Recommended about every three to five years, panos evaluate the condition of the entire dentition and can detect deformities in the jaw or indications of oral cancers.
- 3D CT: We are proud to provide access to the latest technology in our office. 3D CT X-rays not only evaluate the entire dentition, they can also be used to monitor and diagnose airway issues as well as jaw structure issues. These X-rays are an amazing asset in providing the most advanced orthodontic care and treatment plans in Dallas.
Diagnosing dental x-rays: early caries intervention and more
By following your dental providers recommendations for annual diagnostic X-rays, alongside a well balanced diet and good dental hygiene, your child’s risk for caries becomes minimal. Yearly X-rays enable our dentist to arrest caries in their earliest form referred to as incipient lesions.
Did you know doctors have access to products like special toothpastes with higher fluoride contents and mouth rinses to create a healthier oral environment for your little one? X-rays expose small lesions on the tooth that have not yet broken through the enamel. Using these professionally prescribed products correctly, in combination with flossing and brushing, promotes the strengthening of disrupted enamel and prevents future cavities, which can save you thousands of dollars in the long run. Other types of X-rays like panoramic and 3D scans can detect cancerous lesions and disruptions in the airway, which can be potentially life saving!
Contact the best pediatric dental and orthodontic office in Dallas, TODAY!
If you’re looking for a dental team of superheroes for your little superhero, contact one of our patient care specialists today! We have what it takes to assure your little one is comfortable and happy during their visit to our dental office. With our team of professionals guiding your child through their dental journey, we will coach them toward a lifestyle of dental health and wellness. We look forward to giving you and your child the best pediatric dental experience in Dallas!
If your child is over a year old, and they are visiting the dentist for the first time, role-play can be a creative and wonderful way to help set them at ease and understand what to anticipate. Start a few days before; having them practice laying down while you brush their teeth and then switching it up; where you lay down and let them “be the dentist.”
Create A Good Home-Care Regimen
Establishing good routine with brushing and flossing at home is an extremely important part oral health care and can make a huge difference in the success of their visit. The more familiar your child is with having their teeth cleaned, the more comfortable they will be at the dentist.
If you have questions about how to implement a good home-care regimen, contact us! We’re happy to help you create healthy habbits.