The foundation for great dental care starts at birth. myKIDSdds values creating habits at a young age with these vital infant dental care routines and tips.
Daily Gum Care for Babies
You can start building good daily oral healthcare habits early — really early!
Before your baby’s first tooth appears, their gums can benefit from a quick cleaning. After breast- or bottle-feeding, wrap a clean finger with a clean, damp cloth or piece of gauze and gently rub it across the baby’s gum tissue. Cleaning their gums this way will clear your baby’s mouth of any food residue that might still be there.
Baby’s First Tooth
Baby’s first tooth is an exciting time! When that first tooth makes its big debut, it’s time to get a baby toothbrush.
Generally, these come in two options: a long-handled toothbrush that you and baby can hold together or a finger-puppet-like brush that fits on the tip of your finger.
At this early stage, toothpaste isn’t necessary. Just wet the brush with a little water before brushing. If your little doesn’t like the introduction of a toothbrush, don’t give up! You can switch back to a damp washcloth for a month and try again when you’re ready.

Brushing with Toothpaste
Once your little one has a few more teeth, you can start using toothpaste when you brush. How much is too much?
- Unless we recommend otherwise for your child, only use a small smear of toothpaste that does not contain fluoride until their 2nd birthday.
- Children between 2 and 5 should use a pea-size amount of toothpaste.
Please note that too much fluoride can be harmful, so it is imperative only to use the amount instructed until your child is older. Fluoride toothpaste should not be swallowed at any age, so encourage your little one spit after brushing!
Setting a Good Example
Babies learn most naturally through mimicry. Take advantage of that and have your little one watch you while you brush and floss daily.
This will teach them from an early age how important good oral health habits are to their favorite people — Mom and Dad. Give them a toothbrush as soon as they show interest and encourage them to brush with you!
But remember: Children under the age of 9 do not have the skills needed to clean and floss their teeth properly, so you’ll need to help them brush and floss twice a day!
First Visit to the Dentist
You should schedule your baby’s first visit within six months of the first tooth coming in. This usually happens around their first birthday.
Even the smallest of teeth can end up with decay, so we want to get you in as early as possible. During your baby’s first appointment, we will check for any signs or early issues that might arise with your baby’s oral health, and we will walk you through the best way to care for their teeth.