Our hearts and prayers go out to all who have been affected by COVID-19. In light of the recent concerns around the presence of COVID-19 in North Dallas our team would like to take the time to reassure you that we are taking every precaution to ensure the safety and health of your families and our team.
As we continue through this unfortunate circumstance we will be increasing our already high standard of sterilization and sanitation throughout our office. Our team is staying abreast of this rapidly evolving situation and taking steps as advised by the CDC, WHO, and state health officials. We would like to share the proactive health and safety measures we are taking to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Enhanced Precautionary Measures
Our office has always operated under the universal precautions of sanitary practices, minimizing the transmission of illness and communicable diseases by using proper sanitation and sterilization procedures. We know this is now more important than ever, which is why we are increasing our precautionary measures to include more frequent sanitizing of highly trafficked areas and heavily touched surfaces such as chairs, play areas, door knobs, pins, clipboards, iPads, books, and more throughout the office.
We also ask that if anyone in your family is exhibiting signs of illness, such as fever or cough, or if you have recently been out of the country or traveled to a state with high COVID-19 community transmission rate such as Colorado, Washington, California, New York, etc. that you kindly reschedule your appointment. We strongly encourage those visiting myKIDSdds (parents, guardians, children, etc.) have their temperature taken before their appointment. If you or anyone in your family has a fever prior to arrival please call us to reschedule your visit once fever free for 48 hours. We will be waiving our normal rescheduling fee and will do our absolute best to accommodate a new appointment as soon as possible.
Last but not least, our team and doctors are taking care to stay away from large crowds and are continuing their diligence in adhering to the CDC recommendations for hand washing and avoiding contact with their face. We are advising our team to stay home given the slightest of symptoms.
With all that said, it is important to remember that our dental office is going to be one of the most sanitary places you will visit. We are, always have been, and will continue to be, extremely diligent about maintaining sterilization throughout our office and encourage you to keep your appointment if your family isn’t at risk of contributing to the spread of COVID-19.
Should you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to call our office at 214.696.3082 or email us at officemail@mykidsdds.com. We are always happy to help and here to serve.
Quick Summary:
At myKIDSdds we operate under the universal precautions of sanitary practices and will be increasing our precautionary measures throughout the office.
If you or anyone in your family is exhibiting signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or has been in contact with anyone who has traveled out of the country or to a state with high COVID-19 community transmission rate such as Colorado, Washington, California, New York, etc. that you kindly reschedule your appointment.
We strongly encourage those visiting myKIDSdds (parents, guardians, children, etc.) have their temperature taken before their appointment. If a fever is present we will ask that you reschedule any appointments once you are fever free for 48 hours.
We will be waiving our normal rescheduling fee and will do our absolute best to accommodate a new appointment as soon as possible.
We have removed toys from the playrooms and will ask that children remain with their parents for the duration of their appointment.
We are, always have been and will continue to be, extremely diligent about maintaining sterilization throughout our practice and encourage you to keep your appointment if your family isn’t at risk of contributing to the spread of COVID-19.
Please remember to wash your hands (covering all areas of both hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds); avoiding contact with your face whenever possible. It is also important to cover coughs and sneezes with a paper tissue or similar whenever possible, when this isn’t possible use the inside of your elbow.
Connect With myKIDSdds
We wish you all safety and health as you navigate these uncharted waters. We look forward to supporting you all and our community at large throughout this process.
Should you have any questions or concerns please call us at 214.696.3082 or email us at officemail@mykidsdds.com.